Dr. Vijai S Shankar MD.PhD.
Published on www.academy-advaita.com
The Netherlands

16th July 2017


“Deep understanding”


In everyday life, man and woman like and love certain people and certain things and not everyone and everything. They care and have concern for whom or what they like and love in everyday life.

In everyday life, man and woman admire whom or what they like or love. The admiration, however, is not present in every moment, because they do not like or love everyone or everything they have or come across in everyday life.

In everyday life, man and woman like, love, admire and have care and concern because they accept it. When man and woman do not accept, they neither like, love, admire or have care and concern for whom or what they have or come across in everyday life. 

In everyday life man and woman accept what they like, love and admire when what they like and love is what they expect it to be. Man and woman do not accept when what they expect is not what they are expected to be in everyday life.

Man and woman accept, love, like, admire, care and have concern because of the understanding of what they accept. Now what could a deep understanding of accept be that would make man and woman admire every moment of their everyday life is the question?

The deep understanding of ‘accept’ is the moment in which acceptance happens. The deep understanding of the moment is that a moment in life happens by itself and neither man nor woman can make a moment happen in life.

The moment in life has happened by itself to accommodate earth, vegetation, animal kingdom and human beings. This implies that even the earth, vegetation, and animal kingdom have not made the moment happen.

This signifies that a moment in life contains what it contains and cannot contain other than what it contains. This further signifies that a moment and what it contains happens to man and man cannot make the moment to contain other than what it contains.

When the deep understanding of the moment happens to a man or to a woman, he or she will be grateful to life for the moment and will accept everyone and everything as they are in any moment of life. They would not expect them to be other than what they are.

This deep understanding of ‘accept’ reflects as unconditional love, unconditional care and unconditional concern for everyone and everything that they have or come across in any moment in daily life.

Author: Dr. Vijai S. Shankar
© Copyright V. S. Shankar 2017

Editor’s Note:
As the pathway to understanding and acceptance evolves, the intelligence of life generously provides the moment in which non-acceptance of what is contained within the moment appears. The conditioning of the mind, declaring its strong reaction against what appears within the moment, inspires disapproval and rejection, which is also provided by the intelligence of life and is not made by man. Admiration for the deep and utterly transformative understanding of the wise contained within this article is the pathway to deep understanding and total acceptance of whatever a moment in life contains. This reflects as unconditional love, unconditional care and unconditional concern for everything and everyone. Such poignancy!
Julian Capper, UK.

German Translator’s Note: 
Normally special skills, famous persons or great events are admired. This admiration is as old as mankind, because as soon as the mind began to function in man, comparison began to function too. And the striving of more and better. What is the most or the best is therefore admired, and rightfully so. But true admiration of life is not dependent on comparison. It reveals itself through the sharing of the wise, as in the article “Admiration“ by Dr. Shankar. 
Marcus Stegmaier, Germany. 

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