Dr. Vijai S Shankar MD.PhD.

Published on www.acadun.com

The Netherlands

6th December 2014



Essence and Prevention


Prevention is better than cure. A well-known saying, whose logic is not disputed, but is accepted universally as the truth. Man and woman believe that they have prevented by taking preventive measures.


But what is it that is usually prevented? It is circumstances which are neither wanted nor desired by any human being that need to be prevented. There are many examples, and each example is personal, and is known only by the individual who gives the advice ‘prevention is better than cure.’


Though man is certain that he or she is uncertain about life, he is nevertheless certain that prevention is better than cure. So, in order to avoid circumstances, man believes prevention is a wise choice. It certainly sounds wise, but is it possible is the question that one should ponder deeply?


If man could prevent a circumstance, he should be certain of the precise moment the circumstance is imminent to happen. Or be with the circumstance every step of the way. But man is devoid of this possibility in life.


In life man is not with the circumstance every step of the way as it happens; he is conscious after all the steps in the circumstance are completed. Therefore, man is certain of the circumstance only after the circumstance happens, but never before or every step of the way as it happens.


If man were able to be conscious of every step of the circumstance as it happens, it would be possible for him to prevent further steps of the circumstance and not otherwise.


As man is conscious of the circumstance only after it actually happens, and when he is not conscious of the circumstance that he neither wants nor desires as an actuality, he believes that the circumstance has been prevented.


The enlightened have realised that what is meant to happen will happen and no force on earth can prevent it from happening. They therefore live the circumstance that is present and neither try to prevent, change or control any circumstance.


Author: Dr. Vijai S. Shankar
© Copyright V. S. Shankar 2014


Editor’s Note:

The derivation of the word ‘prevent’ indicates that one action can be made to occur in time or place before another one that is anticipated and thus stop or moderate it. This rationale has given rise to innumerable acts of human intervention on a global scale. The conviction that man is the doer is thus enacted millions of times per day and at a considerable cost in labour and money. The enlightened however proclaim that whatever is meant to happen will happen regardless of man’s efforts. Thus they proclaim a way of life that is free from fore-thought and therefore after-thought, which is life itself - thoughtless.

Julian Capper.UK.




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