International Newsletter August 2013
Comment on R. Maitlall, USA Dearest Marcus, Thank you very very much for your time and patience. The revelations through Dr. Shankar are unmatched throughout all of recorded history- in straightforwardness simplicity depth and conviction. Thank You For conversation see here
Letter to AAU: For many years the belief that I am the thinker speaker and doer has led to a lot of confusion and suffering. The understanding that you share is leading to an inquiry into whether that belief is true. With the help of your books and cds/the belief that I can trust my mind to tell me the truth about life is slowly transforming into trust life rather than the known limited knowledge of the mind. As you say the illusion is huge so I am patient in seeing the understanding unfold. Today, I want to thank you for all that you share with humanity. Thank you again.
The Academy announces a booklaunch titled “SPACE AND TIME” A book that helps to understand what LIFE really is. |
Comment: Book 'Understanding life-Space and Time' Sigrid. Germany Thank you so much for the book SPACE & TIME which enriches and helps me a lot. It´s so clearly pointed out that nothing happens in life, but all events happen in the mind. Through thinking we create our own hell and support it as well. Though my ego feels twisted and cooked by existence and my strongly conditioned mind is still doing its job very well there is less identification with the mind and more attention on being alive. Watching life happening brings a great relief that everything is being taken care of.This opens a door to more relaxation and acceptance and eventually surrender and trust may happen. Eternal gratitude and love for you and existence. All you have told us so far about the illusory world gets more and more proofed by observing life dilligently!
Letter to AAU: I'm continuing to thoroughly enjoy the "Understanding Life" series of books and the articles on the website. So much of what is shared in them is particularly timely for me. Nothing takes the place of being in your company, but all that you have and continue to share with us is truly priceless.
There is a wonderful answer you gave in the ‘Understanding Life-Earth’ book . Someone asked you to explain how the right usage of words cuts down on the usage of those that mean nothing.
Comment: Article ‘What does create mean?’ Julian, U.K This article challenges the raison d'etre for every man, woman and child. The belief, profoundly unchallenged until now, that I create, I do, I think etc., etc. is the very reason for getting up in the morning. If there is nothing to create, nothing to do, nothing to think (although I cannot help doing that: it just happens), why bother to get up at all? Of course, I cannot help waking up in the morning because that just happens also. I cannot do that, except perhaps by using an alarm clock, which is light too. Do I really want to understand that man does not really create? After all, one of the most remarkable things referred to in this article is the internet and the web. If this was not man's most extraordinary feat of invention, what was? This creation happened too, like the rest. On the other hand, do I want liberation? Surely, that is the very reason why man goes on believing in his own identity so that he or she may free himself or herself from the consequences of that belief. Truly, this article is a powerful light for every deep-thinking man and woman - it is a unique enquiry and a gift from life itself for those who will understand it.
Diane, USA The article ‘what does create mean?’ has clearly given man the answer to what life really is, through the example and clarification of what internet and the web is and is not. The article is truly a gift to humanity, young and old. It is glorious how easily the understanding has been explained in such few words BRILLIANT. The article clarifies a huge piece of the puzzle, which science struggles with and thinking they are still looking for god’s particle!! While it is everything and everywhere begin less and endless; wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.
The article ‘What does create mean’ gives a profound insight into modern life of which man believes to be the creator. The creations of the internet are called virtual whereas the creations of so called real life are called physical because they appear to be of matter and substance. Man believes to be their creator and takes both as well as himself as their creator for real. The article helps man to understand that the distinctions between virtual and physical are merely relative and not absolute. Virtual as well as physical creation is a manifestation of light and not a creation of man's mind. The article has the potential to reveal that man's perception of his role as a creator is merely an illusion, intelligently manifested by life.
Comment: Article ‘What does Reality mean?’ Here is the ego on the retreat. It is not possible to read, and to read and to read again this expression, this deep understanding of reality without a shift in the ground upon which the ego stands. There are no mistakes in this life, in this creation; there are no unnecessary or wasteful uses of energy. Here is the opportunity for man to realise who he really is. Gratitude for this expression of life - for Dr Vijai Shankar.
Comment: Article ‘what does illusion mean?’ This article provides a penetrating clarification of the world of illusion that man encounters. The illusion of the magician at the circus or the wheel of fortune at the carnival are accepted as not quite realistic, although they carry a degree of awe with them. The illusion of our world outside the circus and the carnival is undeniably real, however, and often very painfully, or even pleasurably so. As the light of understanding grows, so are the bonds of man's predicament loosened.
Articles in German and Dutch translation
Comment: CD ‘What is day’ Elisabeth, Amsterdam Does a man understand his day, or does he know what his day was? To know means you just recall. Knowing is superficial. To understand means you come to realize the known is illusory. Dr. Shankar overemphasizes how important it is to understand how the mechanism called the mind has stored within it so much of known which we take it to be wisdom. Why is it we are still convinced that the mind reports what is happening in life? It is important to understand how this mind has evolved and sophisticated to convince man that the known is the truth. The mind can never tell you what is happening in life. The satsang keeps me pondering over to understand means to realize the known is illusory. Why is it so emotional? What beautiful articles you have written, what masterpieces.
Comment: CD ‘What is mind?’ Is the mind a reliable entity to report love, to report enlightenment, and to report life? The mind which is ever so unreliable, man relies on it repeatedly. By your own opinions you declare what your mind is, not what the other is. Life and the body is ahead of the mind which lags behind. Why is the mind a delay? Does life take a second to flow? It does not require one second to flow. Any word will require a fragment of a unit of time, otherwise it cannot exist. That is the delay. No word can catch up with life. I very much enjoyed the satsang and I am always in awe where you convey when man first heard words in his mind as a thought, as a sound. It is an auditory illusion of sound.
Comment: CD ‘Imagination’ If man is at ease, would he imagine? Man is never at ease with himself because he lives an imaginary world, waiting for the imaginary world to actualize. The mind can only imagine because the mind is there and then, not here and now. It is the illusory world which gives birth to imaginations. Man lives an imaginary world that is why he is impatient because he is following his imaginations. This satsang asks for many repetitions to listen, to absorb Dr. Shankar's sharing all the way through. To realize we are not at ease with the world which we have now. Deeply enjoyed the satsang. To understand it is the illusory world which gives birth to imaginations is such a revelation.