International Newsletter September 2013
Comment: August Newsletter Fali, USA Thank you for this very valuable newsletter. Have shared it with other appreciative friends.
Letter to AAU: Linda, Canada I wish to thank you for your wisdom. There is no price that matches the value of that living truth you share with us.
Thank You for the cd "Life Flows", the new book "Space & Time, and the beautiful article "What does understanding mean?" The principle of causality needs time and time is illusory.
Books and Cd's are magic, they go deeper, where ever I am. Each book is always new!!!!!!!! for me. IN Gratitude
NOW available new book titled “SPACE AND TIME” A book that helps to understand what LIFE really is.
Comment: Book 'Understanding life-Space and Time' Sigrid. Germany Thank you so much for the book SPACE & TIME which enriches and helps me a lot. It´s so clearly pointed out that nothing happens in life, but all events happen in the mind. Through thinking we create our own hell and support it as well. Though my ego feels twisted and cooked by existence and my strongly conditioned mind is still doing its job very well there is less identification with the mind and more attention on being alive. Watching life happening brings a great relief that everything is being taken care of.This opens a door to more relaxation and acceptance and eventually surrender and trust may happen. Eternal gratitude and love for you and existence. All you have told us so far about the illusory world gets more and more proofed by observing life dilligently! I am so much enjoying Space & Time. What amazing and special named chapters in the book and I am so grateful for the bold and brave questions and for your ever direct answers. You give a response to somebody that the going happens and when it does to any venue, 'I remain aware, alert and passive'. I fully understand now what is meant by 'passive'. Reading the book is also such a joy for me. My sincerest gratitude.
Newest articles:
What does expectation mean? In simple terms expectation means a strong belief that something will and should happen or a hope for what should not happen. No man is certain what may or may not happen in a day, because anything could happen. Hence, expectation is either a strong belief or a hope. Present-day man has expectations for the present as well as for the future. Man is even advised to have great expectations in life. But no man is….read further
Comment: Article “What does understanding mean?” Bill Kelley, USA I read and enjoyed the article, "What does understanding mean?'' What I have learned through what you have shared is that one who lives life through the mind and its elements is living an incomplete life. Life observed with understanding continues to mysteriously unfold spontaneously, uncontrollably, and unpredictably. I read and enjoyed the article "What does opinion mean?" . I've always enjoyed what I recall you saying.... that an opinion is what one thinks, and a belief is constructed out of the shared opinions of more than one person. Opinions, as you know much better than I, make up such a huge part of life lead through the mind. I'm still working on witnessing mine. Life seen through the mind is profoundly limiting, and often painful. Thank you Dr. Shankar for helping us to witness life.
Comment: Article "What does opinion mean?" Julian, U.K Life has gifted man with this rare opportunity of meeting a living sage at the point of his understanding of the multiple expressions of life, time, movement , thoughts and actions, that man is born to experience. This article, whose author is such a living sage, shows, precisely and exquisitely, how every man, woman and child lives and interacts with the contents of his own mind, albeit illusory, projecting them into the imaginary world in which he believes he lives. For every man, woman and child this imaginary world is oh so real! Fortunate is the man or woman who accepts this rare opportunity.
Comment: Article “What does precise mean?” Julian, U.K This article challenges the powerful and popular idea held in the mind that man has free will. Enthralled by this idea man cannot join life. However, he is naturally drawn to the principles of precision and accuracy, which are held in high regard in daily life. Man is regularly rewarded for applying these principles in the management of his own and others' affairs. That these principles reflect beautifully the flow of life itself and in every expression of life is beautifully illustrated in this article. Let us all come to understand that 'man lives where his feet touch the ground'.
Thank you for the new article ‘what does precise mean?’ Since precise means exact and accurate and everything is happening as is meant to happen in nature (animal and human beings included) I understand now that there cannot be a mistake in life. This understanding leads to acceptance of what is and admiration and love for existence. Thank you for making it sooooo clear. Love and best wishes.
I enjoyed reading the article, "what does precise mean". Perhaps my appreciation of precision is so that I may come to understand the absolute precision of Life as it is. It's wonderful to see that the "Space and Time" book in the "Understanding Life" series is available. I'm going to order it this weekend. I've really enjoyed the series a lot. Thank you for your depth of patience with all of us.
Articles in German and Dutch translation
Comment: Listening to CD’s Bill Kelley, USA I have enjoyed all of the CD’s that have come my way over the years. I always enjoy them and am amazed at how the meaning of each one goes deeper and deeper, every time I listen to them. From time to time a CD or a particular series of CD’s will resonate in such a way that I find myself listening over and over again. It's almost like hearing it for the first time. The meaning and beauty of what has been shared is truly stunning.
Comment: CD ‘Recognition’ I've really enjoyed the cd ''Recognition'' this week. The way that life weaves its illusion for the mind through recognition is beautifully explained. Man longs for "happiness" , not realizing that his "happiness" will soon become what he perceives as" sadness". Man doesn't realize that happiness, sadness, power, weakness, gain and loss are in the form of a wave, a bell curve , constantly flowing and changing. Man doesn't understand that when he's happy, he's sad at the same time , because one can't exist without the other. When one is sad , life is preparing him to become happy, and when one is experiencing loss , life is preparing him to experience gain , and so on. When one is sad he's minimally happy, and when he's happy , he's minimally sad. This talk that you shared with us underscores that the one who perceives life through the mind is operating in a very narrow range of existence, at midpoints in the continuum of life. As you point out , the feature of recognition exists only for the ego. The one who understands this illusion of recognition is happy without knowing it. Because he understands deeply he doesn't want happiness , knowing that following happiness will be sadness.
Comment: CD ‘Is man the doer?’ How come so many words has happened to man and yet it has to remain non-dual? When man came into this world as an optical illusion, the entire optical illusion which was around him entered his mind as images without sound. Those images transformed into sound, and those sounds sophisticated as words, and the moment man uttered that word with a meaning, the external optical illusion became a reality. All wavelengths of sound man makes as words. That is why man has evolved from vegetation and animal kingdom as a man. Man is a micro-cosmos. Mind happened to man in a process of evolution and sophistication and so too words happened to man's mind. How intelligent and miraculous life is. Have so much enjoyed the satsang, It is a treasure to mankind.
Elisabeth, Amsterdam. The moment which is present never tells you what happens to you, you only come to know later on. An action is a miracle because that action is nothing but a singular movement. You are moving continuously, neither in the present, nor in the future, simply moving, thinking that you are acting in the present. Nothing happens in life except an evolution and a sophistication process of light and sound. Man still does not know where he lives. Once you live, it will be an eternal enjoyment to you. That enjoying of living life, let it happen to you, and the one who realizes this, he watches very alertly, not giving you a clue as to what he is watching. Miraculous understanding. I so much enjoyed the satsang.
Comment: CD ‘What is action’ What makes the mind or the ego to form an opinion or a conclusion or an interpretation? Though our interpretations, conclusions and opinions are conveyed and formed by words and thoughts, nevertheless they all refer to an action. How come man is in the present and expects something to happen in the future? When did man begin to think what to do in the future? Was time absent when Gregorian calendar started? Neither can you find the 'I ', neither can you see an action, neither is an action possible in life and yet we are convinced that there are actions in life. Dr. Shankar precisely reveals how a witnesser is nothing apart from the ego, just a sophisticated ego. An ego which is steady in this illusory world is a witnesser. It is only the ego which as a witnesser can see, nobody else can see. So much enjoyed the satsang.