International Newsletter November 2013
New article: “What does love mean? Every man and woman longs for love and to love too. Every man and woman wants love in his or her life, and no human denies that. Everyone has his concept of love, which depends on his or her upbringing, education and the influence of religion or the lack of it. And yet, no man or woman is sure what love really is. Man is as yet unable to pinpoint what love really means. ….read further Articles in German and Dutch translation
Discussion article: “What does oneness mean?” L: Universal wisdom will find its way to humanity. There were times 'we' went the round-about way. Past and future will slowly die.... AAU: Universal wisdom found its way even in ancient times. Universal knowledge still makes man go the round-about way. Nothing dies; everything gets transformed from one form to another, as everything is energy, meaning light, in simple words. Past and future will remain real to Universal knowledge. Universal wisdom will reveal past, future and knowledge as…. read further
Letters to AAU:
“I start to admire the mind”
After reading the article "what does rethink mean" several times I can see now this wonderful precious gift that life gave us a mind to rethink and to recognize that all we have thought so far was not real. I start to admire the mind, because it projects this magnanimous illusory world and by understanding that it is a play of light and sound it can deliver what we really are. More certainly the academy of absolute understanding is the only academy which helps to rethink what would be real and absolute. Thank you so much.
“I wish for our children” If someone would ask what is the most important understanding could be, which I wish for our children or any precious friend to understand, it would be the content of the last article: "What does rethink mean?" Thank you for sharing. And mind goes on, thinking in terms of right, wrong, true and false. What a manifestation life is.
“We will be much the richer in true riches” Never before has wisdom addressed ‘What does rethink mean?’ What makes this article standout to be wisdom rather than more knowledge, which man has plenty of and needs no more, to have his life changed qualitatively, is that, it addresses not the forever rethink, reargue within the closed walls of right and wrong, true or false all considered real, but it breaks those walls and brings to light that which man rethinks is always relative and not absolute or real. Dr. Shankar, You explained it beautifully and logically and when we read and reread this article and the many other articles and books too, we will be much the richer in true riches. Wisdom will happen when it's meant to happen and rethink our thinking is the catalyst.
“Searching and running "after" God was the content of my life” Dear Dr. Shankar, Thank you, thank you for the light of your words. Searching and running "after" God was the content of my life, looking in every corner and every door, being drawn to India, translating Shankara's Vivekachudamani into German, and Avadhuta-Gita into German, etc., .... and others ...being disciple of Kirpal Singh, Sant of Radha Swami, Beas, Surat Shabd Yoga, - Yoga of Light and Sound, practicing for more than 40 years, being disciple of Yogi Yogananda, Self Realisation foundation, practicing Tibetan Buddhism - Dzogchen - and Zen etc. etc. doing all the ten thousand things one can do here ....3 grown up children etc. etc. ...Life is flowing now, and my root question is: who am I. I am a projection of light and sound and I am an imagination of light and sound AHAM BRAHMAN ASMI....DEAR DR.SHANKAR, excuse so many words, you can feel the heart of this being, and you know what is needed for her .....Kindly give some light ...some words … to the questions below. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. 1. How to leave the mind alone, that is a thought, and there is no thinker? Shankar: When you understand that man is not the thinker, the question will not be asked ‘how to leave the mind alone’, as you would understand that anything you do to leave the mind alone will still keep you in the mind. 2. How can there be being in the moment? Shankar: By realizing the moment in life is singular meaning eternal. 3. How to embrace life without the mind? Are these not all images and thoughts? Shankar: By understanding that all images and thoughts refer to the mind and not to life. Please go to the website, click on German flag, go to akademie on menu bar, scroll down to artikel and read them all, including the books. In particular ‘what am I?’.
“I am beginning to see how true it is what you say” Dear Dr. Shankar
“Your cd’s have been a voice of clarity” Dear Dr. Shankar, Thank you very much for the book space and time, which I have yet to pick up at my friend’s place. I have been away from home for almost six weeks with my eldest son who was in a vehicle accident. He is recovering well in many ways although I understand that these kinds of injuries take "time" to son calls on me a lot for support and his seemingly constant anxiety along with plenty of other family dynamics sometimes feel stressful to me. Throughout all of this your cd’s have been a voice of clarity and still are. The understanding that I am not the thinker speaker or doer (neither is my son or anyone else) appears to be gradually dawning. There are times when doubt arises and the illusory stories of the mind feel real but more and more there is a presence of "here, now presence". If there are any suggestions for a situation like this it is greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.
“Life has indeed blessed me” By the way, you were absolutely right, reading the books over and over again has deepened the understanding or so it seems. From the first meeting with Dr. Shankar something was stirred within and it has taken all these years to eliminate the confusion. Even the Extra Special Edition, emphasizing again the protagonist, did fall on "fertile ground". Life has indeed blessed me, little was it realised at the time. Best wishes and my thanks as well as gratitude to Dr. Shankar.
New CD’s: |
“The moment mind began to function”
“The appearence of duality”
“Then you realize how valuable each cd is” Bill Kelley, USA The cd’s provide a deep description of every single belief of the mind which is real to man, as illusory. The cd’s cannot be repeated or recollected even after listening to them a few times. When you understand them, they reveal themselves through different words. If understanding happens you realize the description in the cd is the truth in daily life. The understanding happens depending on how open the mind is. If you are closed then you will not understand anything and you will set the cd aside. The miracle is that you will be drawn to the same cd you set aside, for suddenly it will mean something and eventually everything to you. Then you realize how valuable each cd is. They do not give hope; they reveal the truth of daily life, which is so much deeper than hope, which is trust in life.
Comment: CD ‘Is man the thinker’ Elisabeth, Amsterdam What are your thoughts and where do they come from? Where is the need for man to think? If you are not certain what your thoughts are, how can you be certain you can think about your life? Every word which is spoken just goes into the present, but the mind thinks it has gone into the past. Your past is the moment now. The past sophisticates as the present moment. And where are you in between and during those thoughts, those spoken words, and those actions? You are simply living. Listening to and following the words in the satsangs has become an adventure. Thank You, Dr. Shankar. The chapters Attraction and Sensation in KG 7 also are a revelation and a gift. To shop
Comment: CD ‘Precious Life (1)’ Elisabeth, Amsterdam Why is life precious to me? It is not the mind which conducts our daily life, it is life which flows that way. If you cannot be blissful in every moment, understand you are not in life, you are in the mind. Trust will happen the moment your understanding has cemented within you that it is not man who makes life, it is life which makes life. Only through your mind can you enter life. You become timeless and thoughtless, you become life because there is only life. There is nobody separate or objective in that timeless and thoughtless state. You are That. Thank you for this beautiful and deep satsang. To shop Comment: CD ‘Precious Life (2)’ Elisabeth, Amsterdam To understand and to realize that what you need to have it will come to you, what you need to know you will come to know, what you need to do you will come to do, that is what makes life precious. Whatever is precious to man which he thinks is life, is rebutted by his conclusions, his opinions and his interpretations of it. But the glory of life is lost by his conclusions, opinions and interpretations. Life is precious to man because of a utilitarian aspect of it. Man wants to use life so that it becomes precious to him on his own terms. You live the moment your mind does not come into the equation of living. What a profound understanding. In KG7 in the chapter 'Frustration' You mention that 'if your friend is mad, you are also mad, if your friend is sane, so are you'. That confronted me deeply as to how my opinions and judgments of another or just about anything could be real at all. Because we take it to be real we are upset in our lives. So what does trust mean? Trust means life happens as it is meant to happen. I am enjoying the articles You write and the notes by Julian and Marcus are very precious to me. To shop
For understanding to happen it is very important to read and listen over and over again the books, CD’s, DvD’s available on this website
Re-think your thinking!