NEW CD: “Change happens every moment. Mind does not record that change”.
LETTERS TO AAU Dori Steehouwer, Netherlands Just read the articles "about" essence. They are so beautiful and "close to the essence". You just have to look around and wonder: which of what is seen around me is the one and only real appearance? And you have to admit it is not possible to point to one. It has to be none or all. This understanding immediately changes your point of view. The understanding that all is just a reflection of light, as is pointed out in these articles, makes one wonder what reality is there in all which is so easily seen as truth. Reply Dr. Shankar: Wise words Dori.
Sonja Visser--Fonteyn, Belgium While I was searching for Your article 'Essence' on the website, I start to read: 'why is it important?' 'Precise' caught my attention and stayed in my mind. I also read the article 'life is precise' earlier, but no remembrance came in my mind. I thought what is precise. I thought all is precise on an exact time. But time is not precise. In life there is no time. Time in mental life is not precise at all, it cannot be measured. I wonder what it is that is precise in life. Then I pondered what was meant by an act of the magician and by the art of the painter, why is this precise. The magician has to be precise because one mistake of the magician and the show failed and the public can see and understand how the illusionary act is build up. A magician give the public a visual illusion, a trick because of the slowness of the mind and believe that the used attributes are real but they are not what they look to be. The painter gives a visual illusion, it needs a precise skilled painter to bring an illusion of reality in a painting. The illusion shows perspective, depth is seen in spite the background, a flat cloth. The measurements are not real, we think as if we see a tree a man a house not realized that the painting is a fragments of the show of life, the views in the painting are minimized like on a photo or a movie. It is a wonderful illusion, not real and dead. Or eyes do not notice the difference. Suddenly I remembered from Your book 'The evolution of the mind' how life starts by primitive man how precise a visual picture (light) synchronized with a word (sound). I remembered an example of the primitive man who saw a car(?) that flashes by and after a while the thought came in his head 'car'. Slowly the visual picture and the word came together till they followed very fast after each other and completed the connection. Word by word, word and meaning a long process of sophistication. First light, objects and subject than sound, mind. Slowly the illusion of the life and the mind expanded and is still busy with expanding . This creation is very precise, so overwhelming large and sophisticated we can never comprehend. I read Your article 'life is precise' again and I understood why it is important. By understanding 'precise' we can understand that we are tricked to believe that we are separate doers who behavior and act good or wrong. We are also tricked to believe that life should and could go according or expectations hopes and believes of our self and others, precise and on top of this we are split by socialization, spiritual doctrines and moralists, norms and values. If we don't understand how precise this illusion is build up and how we are imprisoned by words, who are believed as real, we can never accept the behaviour of our self or that of others. Behaviour is just interpreted movement. I think this is how precise life built this illusion from movement, followed by sound, as words and meanings an endless expansion. Reply Dr. Shankar: Very good Sonja.
Diane, USA The article "Essence" is a beautiful helpful gift to all to whom interest & enquiry into essence of 'everything' has happened it deepens and accelerates this enquiry with easy to follow commonsense and logic.Yes!! Heartfelt Thank You for this Ponder Wonder!! And the the article ‘Essence and Creation’ is such a brilliant succinct sharing from yet again a different angle into what we really are the question " what am I " is once again hit with clarifying light. Thank you Thank you.
Dear Dr. Shankar, thank you for the c.d. 'Understanding Life' It says everything I needed to hear at this time. Thank you.
Sonja, Canada Dear Dr. Shankar, I happened to read a saying on your website, "Reflection is not an effect of light" and I realized that I do not have a complete understanding of that, so if possible I wonder if you can add to that or point me to some writing of yours or a talk, to help me understand it better. Very much appreciate all your help. Thank you. Reply Dr. Shankar: Dear Sonja, the entire quote is in two parts Reflection is an inherent characteristic of light. Reflection is not an effect of light. The colour of cloth seen inside the shop is different from the colour of the cloth seen outside the shop. If the effect of colour was light, the effect would not change so quickly. The colour however changes, and this proves that reflection is an inherent quality of light and not the effect of light. Mind understands the word effect more than reflection. The word reflection is attributed to mirrors usually. Light has neither cause nor effect. Life is causeless and effectless, the sages were right.
Huub Neef, Netherlands What a wisdom! This has enriched my life.
Bill Kelley, USA I've been listening to the Denekamp series on the five elements over & over. I have been getting more out of it than the first time I heard it a few years ago. It's curious that the fire element draws me toward the CDs & what you have shared with us. Your sharing that wisdom is beyond the five elements is truly beautiful & I know it is ultimately the answer.
Comment: Article ‘Life Mind and Memory’ Paula Smit, Netherlands In this article the function of the mind and memory is made clear and how man is deluded to think that through the mind and memory he can do actions. If someone would be asked if he or she knows exactly and with certainty how he or she will pour out a cup of tea, how much strength will be needed to hold the teapot, if a drop will be spilt, how much tea will be poured in and if this was done exactly the same way the previous time, that person would answer: “Of course I cannot know all this exactly and with certainty and of course it will not be done in exactly the same way”. Yet there are just few who have fully understood that this implies man cannot be the doer. Though proof is given every moment, it is not perceived as the mind is hindered by the idea of being the doer. We are locked up in a circular reasoning, moving around in our daily circles, until we finally get fed up with it.
Comment: Article ‘Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent’ Paula Smit, Netherlands We worship a supreme power and acknowledge it’s omnipresence, omnipotence and omniscience, but in daily practice we think we ourselves are standing behind the steering wheel. We place this power, God or divinity outside ourselves. It is shocking for the mind to realise that the body and the mind are the same light as everything else that exists, that there is no difference between inside and outside.
COMMENT: CD ‘Understanding life’ “Mind labels, but life cannot be labelled..”
Elisabeth, Netherlands What makes one jealous? How does duality come within the mind? Knowledge has not made man certain about life. Knowledge does not tell us much about duality. A duality will be created only by a movement. Wherever the body moves, there duality will arise. Duality gets created by labels which you think in the mind. Mind labels, but life cannot be labelled. If you are only here and now you cannot have duality. What is the rightful place of knowledge in this illusion of this world? Knowledge simply happens in a way to make you get convinced that it is required for you to lead your life, a life which has got no notion of any knowledge embedded within it. Knowledge has not wiped out the duality of life. What a huge satsang. Holiday time, ponder time. Yes. To ponder and wonder about all the conditions, opinions and conclusions one has got. The false expectations that I can do. So much enjoyed the satsang.
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