Newsletter August 2017


By Dr. Vijai S Shankar

"Deep understanding evolves unconditional Love, Care and Concern."

Article: ‘‘Evolution and Sophistication’

By Dr. Vijai S Shankar

It is obvious that the evolutionary process in life must have evolved either a primitive man or a primitive woman, because it is impossible for the first primitive ovum and sperm to exist so that the first primitive man or woman could exist. Every atom of a seed is light and not seed. This implies that light has evolved and sophisticated to be the first primitive ovum or sperm and evolved and sophisticated to be the first primitive man or woman. Therefore, the evolutionary process has further evolved and sophisticated the first primitive man or woman’s bodily movements and speech to be what it is in the present day man or woman. To read further click here. To read further in german click here. ....
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German translation click here
Quotes by Dr. Vijai Shankar: "Wisdom"

New CD: "Expectations -3"

"May for may not happen"
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Comment: 'Evolution and Sophistication’

Julian Capper, U.K
Appreciation and understanding of what is and what is believed to be radiates from this article. There is deep gratitude for this gift of understanding as it evolves. As man approaches this understanding, the gift of knowledge in this process of evolution is appreciated. Neither the knowledge nor the understanding is at any man’s beck and call. It is as it is in every moment.

Marcus Stegmaier, Germany
That almost everybody knows the Theory of Evolution by Charles Darwin, though not everybody agrees with it, means that it should be possible for all to follow the wise explanations by Dr. Shankar in this article. Only few have pondered in depth about evolution and sophistication as yet. This is remarkable, because one should always ask where the first individual of any species could have come from. The answers to this question are most of the time religious. They all carry a belief with them, not a deep enquiry. What is shared by the wise, however, has nothing to do with a belief, it is deep understanding. If it is meant to happen, as part of the evolution and sophistication of life, it will happen. 

Comment: Articles ‘Game’ and ‘Coach’

Gerard Benerink, Netherlands
Many training, much money, the best coach is not a guarantee to win, we have seen in so many games. As Dr. Shankar explains, 'what is meant to happen will happen’. Every game is an opportunity to understand life. Winning and losing are two of the same coin. Thank You for making us understand 'the game of life’ in these beautiful articles.

Comment: Article ‘Surrender’

Gerard Benerink, Netherlands
The very big wonder of Life cannot be comprehended through the limited mind by knowledge but can through wisdom. Wonderful article, with deep gratitude and respect to the Author.

Dory, Netherlands
Just read the article 'Surrender'. What a powerful article! What a Life.

Comment: Article ‘Guru Poornima’

Sigrid, Munich
Your article about Guru Poornima touched me deeply. To meet a guru who shares wisdom and removes the darkness or ignorance in the mind is a privilege and the most priceless value in life. You know I live with your guidance every day and my respect and reverence for you has percolated the core of my being. I can recognize how much my vision of the world has changed and I feel thrice blessed by that. And there seems to be no end in understanding to happen. So I can only join in Julian's comment to the article: Thank you Dr. Shankar, we are all eternally grateful!

Comment: Article ‘Admiration’

Sigrid, Munich
I remember very well how painful life can be as long as expectations run the mind and the fabric of duality is not understood clearly. We neither like, love, admire or have care and concern for what we do not accept. Your article 'ADMIRATION' opens a door for deconditioning to happen. For a deep understanding of 'accept' we have to realise that a moment in life happens by itself and it contains what is meant to. Only then we may admire whatever comes across in daily life. Admiration changes the quality of life and it becomes a song. Thank you so much....

Letter to AOA

Andreas, Munich,
I just translated the article 'Bondage' - wow! What an article!  Life gives us really everything - even memory - to live life fully in order to make us understand that what is going on is only a wonderful Illusion of light and sound, a movie at its best. Nothing is wrong with 'our' memories, albeit illusory. What a relief! Thank You very very much.

Elisabeth, Netherlands.
It was so wonderful to see You on Guru Purnima Day and your talk was so special. So lucky I could come and see You. Just thinking of You and the touching gathering.

Sonia, Canada
Dear Dr Shankar,
Thank you for all that you share. This brings clarity and thank you for the quote, “Clarity points to the truth”. I am very Thankful.

Elisabeth, Netherlands.
So much enjoyed the article ‘Admiration’. In the article I love the question you ask what could a deep understanding of accept be that would make man and woman admire every moment of their everyday life? The understanding of accept reflecting as unconditional love, unconditional care and unconditional concern is very deep. To be grateful to life for the moment and accept everyone and everything as they are in the moment of life. Thank you so much.


You can ask your questions to Dr. Vijai S. Shankar about what he has written, because it will help you!
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