Newsletter January 2017

“Happy new Year”



The Academy of Advaita has on its website menu bar a new click button named ‘Questions and Answers’. Visitors to the website can now ask deep questions to which answers will be given by Dr. Vijai S Shankar. The answers are wisdom and not knowledge. The answer is sent to the questioner’s personal e-mail address. The questions and answers will also later appear under the button questions and answers. The questions posted will be anonymous to protect the questioner’s personal identity.

Understanding of life

By Dr. Vijai S Shankar
Deep understanding of life reveals trust, unconditional love and patience.


By Dr. Vijai S Shankar
We do not develop growth. Growth develops spontaneously, uncontrollably and unpredictably due to the intelligence of life present in every cell of the body. Intelligence is present in every cell because life is present in every cell. Similarly, awareness also develops due to the intelligence of life present in the mind. Therefore, awareness is not developed by man. Man merely believes that he can develop awareness and this belief is false and not the truth. This illusory belief too is manifested by the intelligence of life so that man may understand who he really is. This understanding ‘who man really is’, is enlightenment.

Article: ‘Life is illusory’

By Dr. Vijai S Shankar
The enlightened have proclaimed that life is illusory. The proclamation is difficult to understand because daily life to the conditioned mind is real and not illusory.
The images of subjects and objects seen and recognised in daily life are real to the conditioned mind and not illusory. So how could man understand that life is illusory? The only option is to examine and validate to understand the subject and the object seen in daily life. The understanding could be later applied to vegetation and animal kingdom. Click here to read more

Comment: Article ‘Life is Illusory’

By Gerard Benerink
The article ‘life is illusory’ is a wonderful article!! Well explained!! Evolution of mind in a nutshell. The book ‘evolution of mind’ is a must read for everyone who likes to understand world, man and mind which leads to enlightenment.

Comment: Article ‘Intensity’

By Elisabeth, Netherlands
In the article ‘Intensity’ which I like very much, in the 4th, 5th and 6th paragraphs You mention that the varied intensity of light projects a holographic phenomenon, then you say that a non-physical aspect of daily life that light reflects is understanding and then that the intensity of light indicates that the force of light and its brightness reflect the physical and non-physical aspects of daily life. Still difficult to understand where you use project and reflect. The new article 'Life is Illusory' I read carefully over and over again. So grateful for these magnificent articles by You.

Response to Elisabeth.

Dr. Shankar
The intensity of light indicates that the force of light and its brightness reflect the ILUSORY physical and non-physical aspects of daily life. Project and reflect are synonyms.

Letters to AOA:


Sonja, Canada

Thank you Dr. Shankar. The wisdom that he shares is like the light of a lighthouse, in that it guides me out of the strong beliefs of the mind and into a greater understanding of what "I" am.

Reply by Dr. Shankar
Dear Sonja,
Thank you for your enlightening words to all.

Sigrid, Munich

Thank you so much for the CD ‘EVOLVING’.  It's amazing to listen to a CD from 2003 and to recognize that your sharing was clear and deep from the very beginning, a shattering blow for all our belief systems. For the conditioned mind it was so difficult to digest that what was believed to be real is illusory. It looked almost impossible to steady oneself in a non-belief-state. What a joke for an imaginary individual.  Reading your books and listening to the CDs over the years the perception of the illusory world has changed qualitatively. Consciousness is seen now as a free ticket for a drama with special effects. What is left is to watch this show of light and sound and to enjoy the miracles of life.  There are no words to express my gratitude.

Sigrid, Munich

Dear Academy of Advaita, thank you for these lovely greetings. My gratitude goes to Dr. Shankar and all the helping hands supporting the Academy, so that the wisdom of Dr. Shankar can be spread via website, books and CDs. With love and best wishes.

Paul, Netherlands

Thanks so much, dear Academy & Dr. Vijai S. Shankar, all the best for both, for both are a blessing for mankind, so wonderful.

For understanding to happen it is very important to read and listen over and over again the books, CD’s, DvD’s available on this website

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