Wisdom-letter February 2023


By Dr. Vijai S Shankar

Word is collection of sounds."

Deep meaning in article is reflected in Wisdom-quotes.

Article "A word"
Wisdom Quotes "A word"
Song "A word"

Article: ‘A word’

By Dr. Vijai S Shankar
Every educated man or woman is convinced that they can speak any word in a language that they know. This applies to any word in any language that is known by man and woman. The reason and logic present in knowledge that humans have in any language indicate that any word is possible to be spoken by every educated man and woman. Deep reason and logic present in wisdom in humans, however, indicate that a word in any language is not spoken by man or woman. Wisdom indicates that it appears that a man or woman can speak any word in a language that they know. Deep reason and logic present in wisdom signifies that any word in any language is a collection of letters in the alphabet. A letter is a phoneme, which means a unit of sound. This implies by reason and logic that a word is a collection of sounds ...read further
German translation click here

Comments: 'A word'

Julian Capper, UK.
The clarity of the revelations gifted by the wise to man, as in these articles by Dr Shankar, gradually paves the way to a deeper understanding of reality. The intelligence of life meanwhile provides appearances of reality to sustain man’s journey in life. The guidance of the wise never falters as the deconditioning of mind opens the door to enlightenment. This is a wondrous journey, albeit illusory, shared by everything that exists in nature. This is the dawning of trust.  

Marcus Stegmaier, Germany.
In the timeless now, real life spontaneously transforms itself. In illusory time, sounds appear as words and words as an illusory story. The human storyteller, the mind is not present in the timeless, divine Now. His story "I do this and you do that ..." is not real and yet it exists, albeit illusory. Dr. Shankar shows in the wise article "A word" how the divine appears as a human, only through one word.

New translated articles in Dutch and German


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Recommended CD "Words"

Letters to AOA:

Julian, UK.
The here and now, which is not able to be fabricated by any man or woman, the moment that is and that which is or is not in the moment that is, which is not able to be fabricated by any man or woman, is the secret of life. This secret cannot be realised by any endeavour or aspiration however so lofty nor by any endeavour or effort so worthy; nor can it be held or possessed. It cannot be held or possessed for it is the living flow of life. It is eternal, having no beginning nor any ending.  
This secret lies in every man’s and in every woman’s heart. The wisdom of the enlightened, as gifted in this letter, points the way.  Deep love and gratitude to Dr Shankar who says: ‘there is no right path; there is no wrong path. Life is your path.’

Marcus, Stuttgart
thank you for the new wisdomletter! It aims to the core of understanding life. Yes, indeed, how else could oneness be realised if not by the understanding that life happens without a doer?
Sigrid, Munich.
The conviction that I speak, I think and I do has man not left as yet. In so many ways you have explained that what is said and done gets said and done by life. The Wisdom-letter of January offers another fine-tuning of understanding in the article 'You did or did not'. Only when a deep understanding has happened that man has not done anything by himself, arguments will disappear and unconditional love and harmony can prevail in families and society. Julian mentions in his comment that man's life is action-packed. This conditioned belief gets clarified when we listen to the recommended CD 'Is man the doer?' You explain that we come to know an action after it has happened. Action is a miracle of a singular movement. You emphasise that nothing happens in life except a process of evolution and sophistication of light and sound. How could there exist a doer, speaker or thinker? Thank you for clarification again.
Beside that I enjoyed the beautiful retirement song 'In my heart I stay forever young' and all the extraordinary quotes this month. Especially the statement 'No-mind does not exist when you are living and are healthy' hit me a lot. You never cease to touch and surprise me.
With gratitude and best wishes 


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